Certified company: atexcsqiqnet


The “CARFILTER” suction and filtering unit with a cartridge of 14 or 21 m2 of filter surface is the simplest and most reliable solution to the problem of dust from grinding, deburring, polishing, cutting metals and other materials and chips. The unit can be equipped with different motors and several accessories such as: polyethylene sack
metal chip container carriage suction arm flexible tubes or motorised cleaning system cartridge cover.

Employee health is guaranteed in compliance with current regulations (Leg.D. 81/08) on the quality of air in the workplace


The filter cartridge type SF.806 is made in polyester and has an efficiency rating of 99.92%, according to tests run periodically on the filtering medium by B.G.I.A. (Berufgenossenschaftliches Institut für Arbeitssicherheit), the German Interprofessional Institute for Workplace Safety. Dimensions of the Carfilter 1300 base unit: mm 1200 x 750 x 1400 H; weight Kg 80.