In the foundry sector, the processing of ferrous (steel and cast iron) and non-ferrous materials (aluminum, lead, copper, zinc, magnesium, cadmium and other non-ferrous alloys) is envisaged which cause the emission of polluting substances in the form of fumes, gas , powders and vapors.
The time of exposure and the amount of inhalations of these substances can cause damage of various entities in the body until it can determine tumor forms.
The processing plants allow to capture and break down harmful substances, making the processing environment healthy. Depending on the type of processing, DOC suction systems are offered, which evaluate the polluting agents, the size of the working environment, which substances to capture, during the foundry process phases (casting, animisteria, casting lines, sandblasting, cleaning, sanding, polishing, lamination). Suction arms and / or wheeled solutions can be used depending on the needs of the processing plant.
Bruno Balducci srl designs, builds, installs and maintains suction and filtration machines and systems also for Foundry industry.